Embrace the Journey to a Fitter, Happier You

Your Guide to Greatness Through Fitness and Wellness

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  • Why Do Multivitamins Hurt My Stomach? – Decoding the Discomfort

    Why Do Multivitamins Hurt My Stomach? – Decoding the Discomfort

    Ever take your daily essentials and ask yourself – why do multivitamins hurt my stomach? That could be due to the high concentration of minerals and vitamins that can rile up your tummy. So, what’s the fix when you experience stomach pain when you take multivitamins? Simple! Take vitamins with food, or go for a…

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  • Can I Take Multivitamin In Morning? – Optimal Absorption Explained

    Can I Take Multivitamin In Morning? – Optimal Absorption Explained

    Asking yourself the question – can I take multivitamin in morning?  If so – yes, taking vitamins in the morning is perfectly fine, depending on the nutrient we’re talking about. Just remember, vitamins like B12 are best absorbed on an empty stomach, while vitamin E and other fat-soluble types pair better with a meal. So,…

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  • Do Multivitamins Have All The Vitamins? – A Nutritional Breakdown

    Do Multivitamins Have All The Vitamins? – A Nutritional Breakdown

    Do multivitamins have all the vitamins needed for optimal health? Not always. While multivitamins aim to fill nutritional gaps, not all provide every vitamin your body needs. The good news is that products like Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi stand out, covering 17+ daily essential vitamins and minerals tailored specifically for men and women. Want to…

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  • Will Multivitamin Give Me Energy? 10 Best Nutrients Revealed

    Will Multivitamin Give Me Energy? 10 Best Nutrients Revealed

    If you’re asking yourself the question – will multivitamin give me energy? Yes, multivitamins can indeed boost your vitality. Consuming dietary supplements like Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi will fill nutritional gaps, ensuring your body has what it needs to function optimally. If you’re weary and drained and need an energy boost, consider taking a daily…

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  • Which Vitamins Do You Get From The Sun? A Glowing Revelation!

    Which Vitamins Do You Get From The Sun? A Glowing Revelation!

    Sunlight interacting with our skin initiates an incredible process – the synthesis of Vitamin D, one of the few vitamins our bodies can generate independently. So, to answer the question – which vitamins do you get from the sun? – know this – the sun uniquely showers us with Vitamin D, a vital nutrient enhancing…

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  • Can Multivitamin Disrupt Sleep? Your Essential Guide

    Can Multivitamin Disrupt Sleep? Your Essential Guide

    Can multivitamin disrupt sleep? Indeed, it’s possible that your multivitamin may be interfering with your rest. Balancing certain vitamins like B6, C, and D is crucial – deficiencies might cause sleep troubles, while an excess of B6 could lead to insomnia. But fret not, understanding this balance can help ensure a peaceful night’s sleep. Dive…

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  • Who Needs a Multivitamin? The Ultimate Guide to Optimal Health

    Who Needs a Multivitamin? The Ultimate Guide to Optimal Health

    Did you know that over 90% of Americans have a vitamin deficiency and fail to meet their recommended daily intake of essential nutrients through diet alone? Our fast-paced lives and convenience-focused food choices often leave us nutrient deficient. But who needs a multivitamin? Here are the key individuals who can benefit the most: If you…

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  • Who Invented the Multivitamin? – Complete Guide to The Origins

    Who Invented the Multivitamin? – Complete Guide to The Origins

    If you’re someone who gets their daily essentials through supplements, you may be wondering: who invented the multivitamin? Find out in this article! Embark on a captivating journey through the history of multivitamins, where the quest for optimal nutrition led to remarkable contributions by scientists like Christiaan Eijkman, Casimir Funk, and others. While not directly…

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